Depending on how big your gonads are - this is the board for you.
Designed for Waves 6 - 30ft.
Over the last 20 years, I have worked with Noah Johnson in developing a new designed gun surfboard that paddles in with ease but also can be turned 3/4's of the way down the face, and into the barrel , avoiding the drawn out bottom turn , which always leads to being caught in the impact zone... and the inevitable wipeout of your life.
The design incorporates a hard edge nose to tail to deflect any chop, get to the bottom faster, has Vee in the nose to also deflect any chop and stop any air getting in the slight concave which runs into the quad fin set up to get to the bottom of the wave quicker. The foil of the board puts all the thickness under the chest, creating a panel, as the rails are very thin and a very foiled out tail so the board still remains sensitive when angling the board into the barrel... the thinner tail also allows more torsion, when torque is applied. The out line is a very narrow nose so the wind does not get under the nose when paddling in, and this also allows more curve in the plan shape and tail area which helps turn the board earlier.